If you are a startup founder looking to increase your leadership effectiveness and happiness, you’re in the right place.

My clients range from first-time founders to veterans running their third or fourth company. Most clients are CEOs or technical co-founders, though I've worked successfully with nearly every C-suite role.

Common reasons for wanting to work with me:

  • We closed a round of funding; I need to uplevel my leadership team

  • I need to hire and lead people more experienced than I am

  • I want to be more confident and self-aware

  • I want to communicate effectively and easily, regardless of the situation

  • I wish I could see around corners and anticipate problems 

  • I want to work with someone who understand the unique challenges founders face

  • I am working as hard as I can, but I always feel behind

  • I need to shift my mindset from frugality to using money to grow wisely

I help my clients grow as fast as their companies do. I love coaching startup founders as they build and lead high functioning executive teams, create successful products and services, secure rounds of funding, undergo massive growth, and realize personal happiness.

Prior to coaching, I was a technical co-founder with multiple successful exits and an IPO. I’ve seen that founders and senior leaders at startups require not just the skills that most coaches bring to the table, but also specialized knowledge of how startups are fundamentally different than established companies. I have coached 200+ founders over the past 18 years. I understand the unique hustle & passion that founders bring to their work, as well as the leadership skills they will need to refine to grow with their companies, and the hacks that make startup founders able to scale quickly.

I offer a blend of coaching, mentoring, and skill building. I will kindly but firmly offer difficult feedback, and challenge you to celebrate your successes. I believe that living with appreciation and joy is compatible with kicking ass and being wildly successful. I strive to be the coach that I wish I’d had myself as a founder.

At the beginning of your engagement, we will work together to will develop a set of shared goals; this framework helps to stay focused on the things you value most. If you’d like feedback from your colleagues, we can run a 360 degree review to gather anonymous feedback on your leadership. Each time we meet, we build an agenda together based on both current challenges and longer term goals, to help you to learn to stay focused on the things that will create the most impact. My goal is to help you learn while we’re together, but also to provide you with models and ways of thinking that you will benefit from throughout your career.

About Marcy

As an executive coach working with growth-stage CEOs and tech leaders, a startup founder with multiple exits, and a managing partner at a seed-stage investment fund, Marcy has deep knowledge of the entrepreneur’s journey from multiple perspectives. She was recently profiled in Inc Magazine as one of the top founder coaches.

Following a successful career co-founding three tech companies over 20 years, Marcy became one of the first executive coaches working specifically with startup founders, contributing to effective leadership and growth for 200+ founders, including companies such as Lyft, Reddit, Twilio, Life360, and Pivotal Labs.

Marcy is also faculty at 7pathsforward.com, training and mentoring senior coaches worldwide to be more effective with their own clients.

Increase your leadership effectiveness.

How can I help you grow as a leader?

Marcy has worked with executives from: