Diving into Advance copy of Open Leadership by Charlene Li

Last night I checked my mailbox, and was excited to see my advance copy of Charlene Li’s new book “Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way You Lead“.  I mowed through the first three chapters before bedtime. While it’s definitely a book advocating for business to be more open, and has plenty of great stories of business success based on the leaders’ openness, she also provide tangible guidelines for choosing which avenues of openness will work best for your business now, and how to put policies in place to make openness successful within your company’s culture. I’m pleased to see that in addition to advocating and storytelling, there is plenty of very practical and useful “how to”.Clearly the age of openness in business is upon us; Charlene is helping to point the way forward.  I’m looking forward to digging in to the rest of the book!


Business Failure Hurts, Bad


All Hands Meetings